Friday 28 July 2017

Integrated learning - Year 9 Food Tech and Business Studies

One of the units that year 9 Business Studies do is to carry out and review a business activity with guidance. This involves working in a team, choosing a product to make, writing a business plan, making the product and selling it.

After discussions with the class and finding out they were also doing Food Tech, we decided to speak to Mrs Tuipulotu who was taking them for Tech if we could work together so that what they learnt to make in food tech could be made and sold as part of their business activity.

The product they would make would be determined by what they were learning to cook or bake in Food Tech, they would make this product during Food Tech and then sell it at lunch time.

Students will carry out some of the planning in Food Tech - for instance, the planning for the production of the product - getting the recipe and ingredients together -  and then they can carry out their research of prices to find their costs and work out their profits during Business.